Whether you’re interested in deepening your understanding of science, broadening your understanding of art, leveling up your appreciation of art, or expanding your ability to visualize scientific concepts, we’ve curated an hour of SciArt inspiration to get you motivated.

5 Ted Talks For SciArt Inspiration
Below you’ll find five TEDxTalks that showcase examples of the value of Sci Art to inspire in your work and maybe look for new collaborative opportunities.
Reconciling Art and Science
Madeline Weir | TEDxTufts
Learn about the artist residency at CERN where scientists learn from artists and artists learn from scientists. Weir shares how CERN's unique collaboration between artists and scientists challenges the traditional separation of art and science, revealing that interdisciplinary approaches can foster creativity, inspire innovation, and are essential in our approach to complex global challenges.
Integration of Art and Science
Yoko Shimizu | TEDxTokyo
Shimizu, a contemporary artist and biochemist, discusses the intersection of art and science by visualizing natural and scientific phenomena, creating installations that reveal the beauty of the invisible, and inspiring her audience to pause and admire elements of the natural world.
Connecting Art, Science and Technology
Jeff Hazelton | TEDxSarasota
Hazelton discusses the powerful intersection of art, technology, and biology, focussing on how medical education and patient care can be enhanced through the use of video game technology to create immersive, virtual reality experiences. As a team effort between artists, programmers, and scientists, technology can be used to create visuals to communicate concepts to patients and colleagues.
The art of science and the science of art
Ikumi Kayama | TEDxFoggyBottom
Kayama, a medical and scientific illustrator, explains the value illustration offers over photography for depicting complex medical concepts, arguing that illustration offers flexibility to pose any way you want, create transparency, and emphasize relevant details depending on the purpose.
The art of science - Science and Art are not as different as we think
Kristin Levier | TEDxUIdaho
Levier shares their personal journey from molecular biology to an artist, as well as examples of other artists (Leonardo DaVinci, Zoe Keller, Adrien Segal, Hubert Duprat, Berndnaut Smilde, Rob Kesseler, and Catherine Holcombe) who merge scientific inquiry with creative expression, emphasizing science and art are not as distinct as they’re often perceived.
We hope these talks have provided a deeper appreciation for the value of blending art and science and continue to inspire thinking that goes beyond traditional boundaries.
We'd love to see your sciart portfolio and connect with fellow sciartists. Leave a comment below telling us about your work and a link to your socials or website.
About the Author

Sara is a Registered and Licensed Dietitian, artist, writer, and video editor. She holds a Bachelor's of Science degree in Nutrition from Oregon State University. In 2021 she founded The Kerrminator LLC, which specializes in creative services including video editing, graphic design, and content creation.