Download your
YouTube Starter Kit!
I want you to start your YouTube channel ASAP.
​I hope this kit gets you take action and get started faster.
I created this kit for you because I want you to spend less time worrying about figuring out all the little details that can often get in the way or slow down the launch of a new YouTube channel.
I hope the elements of this kit will help break down and eliminate some of the analysis paralysis you may be facing so you can get your content out there in front of your audience ASAP without feeling like you have no strategy whatsoever.
Included in the YouTube Starter Kit:
YouTube Channel Checklist with Tips for Starting Your Channel
Video Description Template
Thumbnail Templates
Channel Banner Guide and Templates
Closed Captioning Guide
Maximizing Your Youtube Content Guide
Square Social Media Templates
Vertical Video Social Media Templates
You will receive a pdf document containing links to each of the documents in this kit. Kit documents are Canva files. You will need a Canva account to use the templates. A Canva Pro account is recommended.
Who this Kit is For:
Anyone wanting to start a YouTube channel for the first time. If you’ve never started a channel before and need a little structure and guidance with putting all the pieces together faster and more efficiently, then this kit is a GREAT investment.
YouTube Channel Checklist
A checklist to guide you step-by-step through your channel setup.
Tips To Start Your Channel
These tips are offered as a supplement to follow along with as you work through the checklist.
Thumbnail Templates
Thumbnails are an important factor in getting seen and it can become overwhelming worrying about how to format our templates. I created a few to get you started and offer some tips on how to make your thumbnails stand out from other videos in search results.
Channel Banner Templates
It’s important to optimize your banner for desktop and mobile devices so I created this guide and a few samples to make the process much easier for you so you don’t have to keep trying to reformat until it looks right.
Video Description Template
Not sure what to put in your video description? Use this description template and fill in the blanks. Super easy and take the guesswork out of it.
Social Media Templates
Graphics and vertical video options to use to promote your latest video on your various social media platforms.
Closed Captioning Guide
This guide explains the difference between closed captions, open captions, and subtitles. It walks you through how to edit closed captions in Youtube as well as how to upload closed caption files from an external captioning service.
Maximize Your YouTube Content Guide
This guide is going to offer some tips, ideas, and suggestions on how you can maximize a single long-form video by turning it into many smaller pieces of content so you maximize your reach and work smarter, not harder.
Ready to grow your business and online presence with video?
Check out my video editing courses.
Walk through the steps of video creation: planning, filming, importing, editing, exporting, and archiving your videos
Choose from a variety of editing software options
Learn equipment I use and what equipment may best suit your needs
Get tips on how to be a good storyteller
Learn how to manage the storage of your video files
Plus lots more!